Perhaps you are data munging in Python, using “pandas”, and you attempt to use DataFrame.merge() in order to put two DataFrames together.
“cannot join with no level specified and no overlapping names”
This happens when you have two DataFrames with one having a MultiIndex type, which *could* play nice together (e.g. you have “year, month” on the left, and “year” on the right, *but do not have names set.*
You’ll need to explicitly set names with
leftdf.index.levels[0].name = “onename”
leftdf.index.levels[1].name = “twoname”
rightdf.index.levels[0].name = “onename”
Alternatively, you can make it work if you reindex the right-hand side by the left hand side:
rightdf2 = rightdf.reindex(index=leftdf.index, level=0) ## NOTE Assignment, does not modify rightdf in-place
Thanks, that resolved that very cryptic error message.
Thanks! It helped me a lot 🙂
Thanks for this. It worked for me.
Life saver, thank you!
Great, thanks a lot!!!